Project Description
Created in 1919, the CATU company developed its activities, from its creation, on the manufacturing of material and equipment for the transmission and distribution networks of electrical energy. But it is really since 1936 that CATU activities were clearly concentrated on the conception and the manufacturing of protection equipment against the electric risks. A little time after the end of World War II, a central department for the Safety and the Accident prevention was created within EDF.
And, it is thanks to the experience already acquired by CATU in this domain, that a very close cooperation asserted itself between the national operator and the company. This collaboration allowed CATU to develop and perfect the safety equipment of the electricians for their works, both for transmission and distribution. The international recognition gained by EDF in this field has contributed to giving CATU an image of specialist and seriousness in the world.
Since 1996, CATU is a subsidiary of the SICAME Group, one of the world leaders of accessories for the works of transmission and energy distribution. A specialist recognized all over the world.
Today, CATU safety equipment , including the ranges of warning signs, lock-out, earthing and short circuiting systems, voltage detectors and controllers, live working tools, and personal protective equipment are used by the main transmission and distribution utilities, HV/MV contractors and MV/LV installers of the tertiary domain, the heavy industries, the railroad sector and the electric automobile sector in more than 100 countries distributed over the 5 continents.